George Bernard Shaw once said that his life's work would have been much more valuable had his mother tongue been Hungarian rather than English. According to Shaw, using this wonderful language, you can describe the most esoteric impulses and emotions in a far more nuanced way.
Hungarian actually has a very complex structure. Unlike inflected languages, it forms words by agglutination. Numerous suffixes for different functions are attached to the respective stem in a precisely defined sequence. This is why pronouns and prepositions, as we know them in German and English, are nonexistent in Hungarian. The language has 18 cases and a total of 27 case suffixes.
Instant quoteYou can rely on us to translate your documents from English or from one of over 150 languages into Hungarian. Besides working only with native speakers, we also work exclusively with translators who have at least one area of specialization. Our translators are very familiar with the subject matter in their area(s) of specialization and know well both the source and target language specialized terminology.
Send us your documents for translation, and discover the quality of our work! Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to call us or write for a no-obligation quote. We’re happy to help you.
Sverige | Översättningar engelska–ungerska |
Österreich | Übersetzungen aus dem Englischen ins Ungarische |
Danmark | Oversættelser fra engelsk til ungarsk |
Schweiz | Übersetzungen aus dem Englischen ins Ungarische |
United States | Translations from English into Hungarian |
Deutschland | Englisch-Ungarisch |