Rapid, high quality translations of court judgments in all languages

Exemplary translation of important court documents

Legal documents are among the most difficult texts to translate. Beyond language, differences between legal jurisdictions can also cause the translator serious difficulty.

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Translations of court decisions and judgments

Besides their legal expertise, our translators are exclusively native-speaking translators. Native speakers are best able to convey a particular text in their own language.

Confidentiality is a top priority with us

We know that legal records must be kept confidential. Our translators are held to absolute secrecy in their work with us. We are happy to provide you with a signed confidentiality agreement prior to the start of your contract.

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Feel free to consult one of our experienced project managers. To review the list of our branch offices in the U.S. and throughout the world, just click on the contact link. Call us or send us your court record by email. Our project managers will promptly respond with a no-obligation quote.

Schweiz Gerichtsprotokolle und Gerichtsurteile
Österreich Gerichtsprotokollen und Gerichtsurteilen
Deutschland Gerichtsprotokolle und Gerichtsurteile
United States Translations of court decisions and judgments
France Traductions de jugements et condamnations